Trgovina na malo i skladišta

Naši viljuškari i rešenja koriste se u gotovo svakom sektoru i okruženju. Maloprodajno i skladišno okruženje su sektori u kojima su brzina i efikasnost suština. Naša misija je da vam pomognemo u smanjenju broja prevoza i maksimiziranju brzine od prijema robe sve do krajnjeg mesta isporuke.

Solutions available

Two men driving BT Reflex

Reach trucks engineered for performance at height

  • Class-leading reach trucks
  • Best visibility & ergonomics on the market
  • Lift heights up to 13m

The BT Reflex range delivers you the best performance on the market by lifting loads fast and smoothly up to 13 metres. The innovative mast design and transparent roof offer great visibility and productivity at height. Residual capacity is also class-leading, which means maximum flexibility in your operations.

See all our reach trucks >

Driver on a BT Option packing goods

Best-in-class order pickers manual & semi-automated

  • Forks up to 3.5 m
  • Low and high level order pickers
  • Available with remote control

The BT Optio order picker range is designed for productive picking at all heights: from first level to higher levels up to 12 metres. Designed for stepping on and off easily and great driver comfort, even in tight areas. Low-level order pickers can also be available remote controlled for maximum efficiency.

Find out more about order pickers >

Manager using I_Site in warehouse

I_Site Fleet management to take control of your operations

  • Maximise usage of your fleet
  • Support your safety culture
  • Over 40.000 units in operation

Your challenge is to ensure your operations run smoothly and have eyes everywhere; Imagine your operators need to go through a pre-operational check before starting the truck, or that you can be notified as soon as something happens. Discover the many benefits of our I_Site award-winning solution.

This is how I_Site works >

Toyota technician servicing a truck

A full service package for maximised uptime

  • Dedicated technician for your site
  • Capable to service your entire fleet 
  • Service concept following TPS principles

Minimise downtime, risks and costs while maximising safety so you can focus on your business. Because customer satisfaction is our number-one priority, we can tailor your service to exactly meet your expectations, and be there for you whenever you need us.

Learn more about service from Toyota >

Woman sitting at desk with laptop

Finance your truck

Our comprehensive range of financial solutions offers you peace of mind so you can focus on your core business.

Read more >

Driver using BT Optio for order picking

Our product range

Have a look at our full range of forklifts, including reach trucks, pallet trucks & order pickers.

Read more >

Toyota Tonero 2.5t driving on the harbour with big boats in the background

Hire your truck

Do you need a truck right away, for a short period or for longer? We have different cost-effective rental options for your needs.

Read more >

Toyota Production System

We apply lean manufacturing to our production and work according to a pull system, which means we only produce what you order.